Ephelides(Freckle) 雀斑
Lentigo 系列:
Lentigo Simplex 單純性雀斑痣
Actinic Lentigo(Pigmented Early Actinic Keratosis, Solar Lentigo) 曬斑
Ink-Spot Lentigo (reticulated lentigo, Reticulated Black Solar Lentigo )
PUVA Lentigo PUVA 雀斑痣(紫外線治療後產生)
Tanning bed lentigo 日光浴型(不常見)
Radiation lentigo
Melanotic macule 黏膜上, 例如嘴唇, 陰唇, 陰莖上...
Generalised lentigines(lentigines profusa, multiple lentigines)
Agminated lentigines 簇集性雀斑樣痣 , segmental lentiginosis 節段性雀斑樣痣病, eruptive lentiginosis 發疹性雀斑樣痣病
Centrofacial neurodysraphic lentiginosis 合併智力問題
很難記又長得很像的家族性的: Patterned lentigines (Inherited patterned lentiginosis) , Lentiginosis syndromes(include LEOPARD/Noonan, Peutz-Jeghers, Laugier-Hunziker, Moynahan, Xeroderma pigmentosum, myxoma syndromes (LAMB, NAME, Carney), Ruvalcaba-Myhre-Smith, Bannayan-Zonnana syndrome, Cowden disease (multiple hamartoma syndrome ))
Large Cell Acanthoma (LCA) 大细胞棘皮瘤
Melanotic Macules 黑素斑
Becker Nevus Becker氏母斑
Cafe-au-lait Macule 咖啡牛奶斑
seborrheic keratosis 脂漏性角化症
Dermatosis papulosa nigra (DPN) 黑色丘疹性皮膚病
Nevus of OTA and ITO
“Mongolian” Blue Spot
Nevus of Sun and Nevus of Hori
Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation ( PIH ) (痘痘印, 雷射反黑, 傷口色素沈澱...)
Erythema dyschromicum perstans (EDP) (Ashy Dermatosis)
其它還有很多的各式各樣的痣, 藍痣...
Solar comedo ( Favre-Racouchot syndrome )
Pyoderma faciale(rosacea fulminans)
poikiloderma of Civatte